Monday, September 14, 2009

Milestones in Chicken History

We are pleased to announce the arrival, at 1:45 p.m. on September 13, 2009, of our first egg. Collected by Joe Dolde, it weighed in at 1 3/8 oz, which would make it Grade TSFS--too small for sale. Each of us has since checked the nest about 5 times each, but egg number two has not arrived yet. It is pure speculation, but we believe one of the New Hampshires was the proud mama of Egg Number One, since shortly after its discovery we found her sprawled out in the yard nearly on her side, feet splayed out with seeming exhaustion.

Unfortunately, it would seem that Randy the Rooster was not so pleased with the theft of his potential future offspring. Poor Cleo opened the nesting box door to check for another treasure and he jumped out, neck ruffled intimidatingly, and flew up at her with spurs unsheathed. From the sound of her screams, I thought she had broken her hand under the heavy nesting box door. She was rightfully terrified, although I think Randy was just as frightened. We chased him in circles for about a half an hour and finally left the coop door open with the hens locked safely outside. Randy tried desperately to get back to his hens through the fence, then finally found his way into the coop and didn't protest when we closed the door quickly behind him. Now, whenever Cleo peers inside, he gives his best manly crow and flies at the door. I guess she's his arch-nemesis now.

Who knows why one hen picked this particular day to lay, but her timing was excellent. I had just arrived home exhausted from a camping trip. Joe went out to check for eggs about 1 p.m., and came back with his hands behind his back. "Guess what, Mom?" I felt a little invigorated, until he showed me his empty hand and I snapped at him in disappointment. Did one of the hens rise to the occasion to redeem her dear Joe, who feeds them tasty tomatoes and other treats? Or perhaps she got wind of my threat to cook one of them up if they didn't start laying soon. Do chickens read blogs? (*Thanks to Joe, who came up with the title for this post.)

1 comment:

AnonymousQuaintPagan said...

Our first egg was layed sometime last winter...we had lights on for warmth! Congrats on your eggs. I've got a small flock of mostly Rhode Island Reds, a few Leghorns, and a couple of Plymouth Rocks and Speckled Sussexes. Our rooster, Lucky, is also most displeased with our egg stealing (and eating) habit.