Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Are You Smarter Than a Chicken?

    Apparently, I am not smarter than a chicken. Given Gypsy Rose's proclivity for finding hiding spots in which to lay, and her continued refusal to stay in the run, I have diligently been searching for caches of eggs. No luck. This morning, my husband was investigating a noise outside my office window and found her new nest, with 7 eggs in it. I have stolen the eggs, and attempted to fool Gypsy Rose by putting a couple of ceramic fake eggs in their place.

     And the peacocks are just laughing at me.

In other news, I had to throw out almost FIFTY eggs I discovered under the hens' roost inside the coop. They must have been laying them in dark corners for weeks. So I guess the new chickens are prolific layers after all! But if they think they are going to hatch chicks without a Randy, then we need to have a little talk. Who's stupid now, hey chickens?!


happy internist said...


Jenifer Grindle Dolde said...

Not ours, the neighbor's. They are big, messy and have camped out on our deck when they are not attempting to steal the cat food in our back shed. We chase them away and they keep coming back!